PTA Membership 2024-2025 School Year

Ready to become a TLES PTA Member? We are so excited to have you. Here's our ask of you as we begin the 2024-2025 school year: 
Please join the PTA. Memberships for families are only $15, and memberships for teachers are only $10. 
Consider making an additional one-time donation as a way to "pay forward" the per student costs mentioned aboveThis option is available as you complete your membership registration online. 
Consider signing up now, to donate your time toward a cause this year. You can find open volunteer opportunities here
Every dollar makes a difference, and together, we can ensure that our children receive the best education possible. 


Item DescriptionPriceQty
 PTA Faculty Member$10.00 
 PTA Membership for a Family$15.00 
 Donation of Your Choosing$
We need your help more than ever this year - here's why:
As a PTA we are proud to support a Title 1 Elementary School. Title 1 is a federal program that provides financial assistance to schools with high percentages of children from low-income families. The goal is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments. This funding is essential, but is often not enough to cover all the opportunities and resources our students need to thrive.
This year two critical changes will impact TLES' budget: 1) money previously provided by FCPS as post-COVID support is no longer available, and 2) the overall budget for Title 1 schools was rebalanced, leaving TLES with a shortfall this year.
This is where we come in to support. The PTA intends to help TLES cover critical needs in the wake of these changes. Here are a few of our commitments for this year:
  • This year we have set a $12,000 budget to ensure that every student can participate in at least one field trip. This breaks down to approximately $18.50 in field trip support for each student. Did you know that FCPS does not cover any costs associated with field trips, including bus transportation? The PTA has consistently funded field trip transportation. It is one of our largest expenses every year. You can learn more about why field trips and experiential learning are so important to student success by clicking here
  • Earlier this calendar year, the PTA worked with TLES teachers to identify critical school supplies, by grade level, that teachers felt were absolutely essential to student success. We have committed $3,000 to purchase these supplies and ensure they are in classrooms for every student.
  • This year the PTA has also committed to fund other exceptional opportunities like a student assembly, author visit, and book fair vouchers. These items in our budget break down to $6.50 in support, per student. 
  • The PTA will continue to fund family engagement activities like bingo night and the ice cream social as well as classroom-based supports like teacher and staff appreciation events, teacher grants, and more. 
  • Together, with your support, and the support of our local community and generous donors, we raised a total of $31,920.74 last year. Membership dues accounted for $1,990 - only 6% of the PTA's total income. 

We appreciate your support!