Teachers really are superheroes. But even superheroes need a sidekick. Room parents can make a big difference in helping teachers find a bit of breathing room, and ensure the parent-classroom relationship is a strong one. 

What does it mean to be a Room Parent?

You'll help support a classroom teacher in a number of valuable ways, including:
- Supporting the coordination of occasional classroom celebrations/activities 
- Collecting voluntary donations for winter and end-of-year teacher gifts
- Sharing communications with other parents in your child’s class

We hope you'll consider volunteering to become a room parent. It's typically a shared responsibility among a couple of parents, so you won't need to make the commitment alone. Even if you aren't sure what being a room parent entails, if you are interested/willing to volunteer a little time and attention - you've got what it takes.


Sign Up Here


SEPT 20: Room Parent Information Session  

Interested in learning more about what it means to be a room parent? Join us for a virtual information session on Wednesday September, 20 from 7:00pm - 7:45pm.

Please use this Google Meet Information to join.
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/rcu-tzne-qxw 
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 530-738-1525 PIN: ‪603 086 097#